...battle draws near and our blood runs hot.
13 Aug 00     Hi Folks   I just discovered to my suprise some of you are still checking this site -- thanks, I appreciate it. Unfortunately I can no longer justify the time needed to keep the site up myself... but I've hooked up with the guys at KA.com, so look for me over there. Hey, I may even sneak some of the War Room onto their server, just don't tell Tom... he gets real mean when he's drunk! (j/k)
Somewhat off topic, yesterday I released an SFC script, my first in quite a while... consider it a warm-up for the KA API. You can grab the file at Greyhawke's SFC Briefing.
28 July 00     Damn   While KA has come a great distance this past week, tonight I find myself drawn away by other matters. At 10:26 on Thursday, July 27, Christopher J. Lewis passed on at St. Francis Hospital. Joshua Morris, of Taldren, let the SFC community know this morning. For additional information, you may read Jinxx's thread here. I had the privellege of working with Chris in the fall of 1999--we were trying to start an online meta-campaign. He is someone I would very much liked to have better known. His absence will weigh upon me. I cannot imagine the loss his close friends and family now feel. My thoughts are with them.
21 July 00     the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune   It is inevitable for any game that some day, after its completion, the development team move on. On Friday, this day came for KA. Interplay laid-off Raphael Hernandez, Manuel Salazar and Brent Kollmansberger, and many others on the team and at 14 degrees East. While the community seethes at Interplay, as I do, I would like to take a moment to bid the team farewell. What you have accomplished with limited resources is a testament, not only to your skill as developers, but also to your determination and dedication as people. Over the past months and years, while KA was still but a gleam in your eyes, you took time to know the community on the forum, and allowed the community to know you. Goodbye. Thank you. May you find success wherever life takes you, and don't forget to write.
Sorry Brent, USS Kollmansberger has thus far eluded me. Must be a sneaky Romulan...