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Primary Weapons
Tactical Description:
- low yielding, quick charging high precision weapons.
- primary weapons are best used in calculated attacks on specific subsystems.
- though single hits cause slight damage, rapid successions of hits can cause substantial damage to an unshielded subsystem.
Known Terrain Effects:
- amplification of yields within solar corona.
- loss of strength in gas giants due to atmospheric effects.
- weapons range:   15,000 k
- nominal yield:   1.8
- charge time:     3 sec
- charge cost:     2
Tactical Description:
- a highly energetic unstable stream or bolt of particles that violently degrade upon impact with matter.
- equal to phasers in range and charge times, disruptors deliver a fractionally greater yield, and are therefore a slightly stronger weapon.
- weapons range:   15,000 k
- nominal yield:   1.2
- charge time:     3 sec
- charge cost:     2
Tactical Description:
- phasers emit a cohesive beam of pulsating energy.
- unique technologies underlie the phasers of different races, creating visually different effects: a pinkish-orange for Federation phasers, brilliant red Gorn, and blue white for Tholians.
Secondary / Heavy Weapons
Tactical Description:
- offensive mainstay of most warships, with charge times and yields significantly greater than those for primary weapons.
Known Terrain Effects:
- high-pressure atmospheres of gas giants amplify warhead strengths.
- ionized gas of coronas generally degradative.
- tend to be sensitive to environmental ECM, particularly projectile and seeking wepons.
Photon Torpedoes
- weapons range:   10,000 k
- nominal yield:   16
- charge time:     8 sec
- charge cost:     20
Tactical Description:
- a high-velocity projectile weapon with a matter-antimatter war head; some damage bleeds through even shielding at full strength.
- though overpowered by the heavy photon and plasma torpedo, they remain a favourite of many starship captains, especially those most familiar with earlier Klingon warships.
- accuracy is inversely proportional to range--the bravest of all captains wait for collision alarms before firing.
- ECM and sensor efficiency also have substantial effects on accuracy, particularly at long ranges.
Heavy Photon Torpedoes
- weapons range:   10,000 k
- nominal yield:   32
- charge time:     8 sec
- charge cost:     35
Tactical Description:
- twice as destructive as the traditional photon, the heavy photon is mounted on Emperor, Accuser, and Sword of Kahless class warships.
- behaves much like its conventional photon brethren; however it should be noted that surprise alpha strikes with overloaded heavy torpedoes are ever the more deadly.
- dedicated launchers prevent the currently prevent use of heavy photons by older vessels.
Plasma Torpedoes
- weapons range:   12,500 k
- nominal yield:   45 [ max ] (light  - yellow warhead)
                   48 [ max ] (gorn   - red warhead)
                   100 [ max ] (medium - purple warhead)
                   175 [ max ] (heavy  - green warhead)
- charge time:     15 sec
                   16 sec
                   25 sec
                   35 sec
- charge cost:     20
Tactical Description:
- heavy plasma first torpedo developed by Romulans (technically a heavy weapon).
- medium and light plasmas more common--developed to better balance offensive power with durability.
- for unknown reasons, the strength of Romulan plasmas diminishes rapidly with distance.
- the Gorn plasma uses different technology for a similar effect -- it is never more powerful than a light Romulan torpedo, and degrades more rapidly with distance.
- guided (seeking) weapons, plasmas are lethally accurate when fired at close range.
- speed and range are best countermeasures.
- experienced captains may spoof incoming fire by generating high levels of ECM--if the plasma looses its lock it will revert to a ballistic trajectory. At this point it may be evaded through an emergency turn.
- if plasmas regain their sensor lock, they may revert to seeking status--decloaking within the vicinity of live torpedoes is highly inadvisable.
Cohesive Fused Deuterium Irradiation Cannon (CFDIC) |
- weapons range:   15,000
- nominal yield:   36
- charge time:     15
- charge cost:     20
Tactical Description:
- a Romulan weapon, the CFDIC projects a highly focussed bolt of deuterium nuclei at its target.
- exploding violently on impact, the weapon also generates large amounts of radiation.
- while the CFDIC is impressive as projectile weapon alone, the its side effect gives it a unique and deadly anti-personal property.
Heavy Disruptors
- weapons range:   12,500 k
- nominal yield:   8.0
- charge time:     6 sec
- charge cost:     15
Tactical Description:
- the Phase-Induced Bipolar Compression (Heavy) Disruptor is loosely based on traditional disruptor principals.
- the a single heavy disruptor bolt does less damage than a conventional photon, but charges more rapidly.
- heavy disruptors tend to be more accurate over distance than photons, and have a slight range advantage.
- refitted to the venerable D7, the Suspicious class was designed exclusively with the heavy disruptor in mind.
Frequency-Modulated Meson Particle Accelerator Cannon
- weapons range:   15,000 k
- nominal yield:   24   
- charge time:     12 sec
- charge cost:     30
Tactical Description:
- an exclusively Klingon weapon, the FMPA cannon discharges finely tuned frequency modulated meson streams. Due to the harmonics of the streams, the mesons pool around and explode against the weakest areas of a target's shielding.
- damage distribution is asymmetric; the majority of damage occurs to the weakest shield facing, with the residual spread across all shields.
- when striking an unshielded target, the particle stream acts as a normal projectile weapon.
- with a higher yield, longer recharge, superior accuracy, and greater range than the heavy photon, the FMPA cannon is best used as first strike weapon, and for long range duels. Sustained FMPA fire can very quickly strip a target of one or more shield faces (typically dorsal and ventral).
Advanced Weapons
Tactical Description:
- the most isoteric weapons in existence, special weapons range from the destructive assault phaser to the exotic Tholian web cannon.
- few generalizations may be made about special weapons.
Known Terrain Effects:
- due to the 'unique' nature of these weapons, terrains have a diverse and dramatic set of effects on weapons functions.
AntiMatter Field Projector |
- weapons range:   10,000 k
- nominal yield:   120
- charge time:     30 sec
- charge cost:     60
Tactical Description:
- the AMFP creates an antimatter field around its target.
- not only does the field interfere with energy based shielding, the antimatter field will react violently with any normal matter.
- the AMFP is therefore highly effective against targets that have lost one or more shield facings.
Known Terrain Effects:
- given the violent antimatter/matter reaction, it is highly inadvisable for a ship to fire the AMFP in a planetary atmosphere, gas giant or nebula.
- the intense gravity wells of black holes enhance field formation and strength.
Assault Phaser |
- weapons range:   30,000 k
- nominal yield:   120
- charge time:     30 sec
- charge cost:     60
Tactical Description:
- one of the most feared weapon in the Alpha Quadrant, the assault phaser can easily pierce the shields of most warships.
- requiring an immense power output and stable firing platform, in the past assault phasers were limited to starbases; this changed with the introduction of the Sword of Kahless.
- the Sword of Kahless was designed around a backbone mounted assault phaser; while this confers the necessary stability, it greatly restricts the weapon's firing arc.
- due to the limitations of mobile power reactors, the ship mounted assault phasers have a lengthy charge time; when fired, they cause high levels of system stress, and even temporary brownouts.
- the Federation has also developed a prototype battleship with a ship-mounted assault phaser.
- weapons range:   n/a
- nominal yield:   80   [ collision and weapons energy disipation ]
- charge time:     40 sec
- charge cost:     40
Tactical Description:
- the gravity density distortion sphere (GDDS) is a Gorn weapon first designed to facilitate the ramming of slow moving ships.
- Sha'kurians converted the GDDS to a defensive role, using it to absorb secondary and heavy weapons fire, thereby increasing survivability.
- when powered, the GDDS generates a rapidly fluctuating graviton sphere around the warship. The sphere then absorbs all energy from matter, secondary, and heavy weapons impacts, until its energy is dissipated.
- the gravimetric capacitors that first generate will not begin to recharge until any existing field as dissipated.
- speed and range are ship's best defences against the GDDS.
Known Terrain Effects:
- solar coronas interfere with GDDS formation, though some function remains.
- within L and M class atmospheres, GDDS is inopperative; however GDDS function has been observed within gas giants however, with lethal effect.
- weapons range:   7,000 k
- nominal yield:   64
- charge time:     16
- charge cost:     20 (+ 20 tractor)
Tactical Description:
- a gravity based tractor weapon, the GHRC beam creates a rapid oscillation between attractive and repulsive forces, increasing in frequency until the harmonic frequency of the target's hull is reached; at this point sympathetic vibration with in the targets hull produces massive structural fatigue, and even a loss of attitude control.
- an unusual property of the GHRC is its ability to break a tractor lock on the firing vessel, though beam does no damage when doing so.
- range remains the best countermeasure against GHRC attacks.
- disabling a ship's tractor will disable the GHRC.
Known Terrain Effects:
- black holes amplify the effects of the GHRC.
- solar coronas degrade effectiveness of the GHRC, though it may still fire;
- it is suspected that terrains that hinder tractor function have a similar effects on the GHRC.
Quantum Carrier-Wave Beam |
- weapons range:   7,000 k
- nominal yield:   70
- charge time:     35 sec
- charge cost:     20 (+ 20 tractor)
Tactical Description:
- like the GHRC, the QCB is a short ranged tractor-based weapon.
- a highly effective shield stripper, the QCB is often used as a prelude to bording party attacks.
- range remains the best countermeasure against QCB attacks.
- originally a Gorn weapon, the Federation has also acquired QCB technology, and now fields QCBs on Ulysses and Lexington class vessels.
Known Terrain Effects:
- black holes enhance QCB function.
- it is suspected that terrains that hinder tractor function have a similar effects on the QCB.
Tholian Web Cannon |
- weapons range:   3,500 k
- nominal yield:   n/a
- charge time:     50 sec
- charge cost:     30 (+ 20 tractor)
Tactical Description:
- not a destructive weapon per se, the web cannon uses a focussed projection of tacheon particles to create a subspace rift around its target.
- the effect is to trap the target in space but not time.
- the subspace rift or bubble is asymmetric; matter and energy, often in the form of weapons, fire may enter the bubble, but not exit.
- hard fought battles have shown the web cannons to be extremely short ranged, and to have a 360 degree firing arc.
- once formed the web effect lasts approximitely 10 seconds
- during web formation, the generating ship cannot fire its weapons, perhaps due to subspace interference.
- Tholian tractor technology appears to be at the heart of the web cannons; as a result, they are highly energy intensive -- a weakness the alert captain is quick to exploit.
Known Terrain Effects:
- black holes amplify web function, solar coronas and gas giants interfere with function, and planetary atmospheres prevent function entirely.